In an announcement, the upcoming anime adaptation of Kyōsuke Kamishiro and Takayaki’s My Stepmom’s Daughter Is My Ex light novel series confirms July 2022 release date. The announcement came with an accompanying new trailer that reveals the cast members, as well as a preview of the anime’s opening theme song “Deneb to Spica” by DIALOGUE+ and the premiere date, which is set to air on AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS NTV, and BS Fuji platforms in July 2022.
The cast members of My Stepmom’s Daughter Is My Ex include:
Ikumi Hasegawa as Akatsuki Minami
Nobuhiko Okamoto as Kogure Kawanami
Miyu Tomita as Isana Higashira
Aside from the main cast, the staff members also include sound director Yayoi Tateishi, sound producer Bit Groove Production, music composer Hiromi Mizutani, and music producers Pony Canyon and APDREAM. Shinsuke Yanagi will also be directing the anime, with Deko Akao for the script, and Katsuyuki Sato for the character design. You can see the new key visual below.
J-Novel Club, the licensor of the franchise, describes the story:
“Ah, high school. Is there any better place to start fresh after a horrible middle school relationship? Nope! Not unless your ex ends up at the same school as you and is now your stepsibling. What was supposed to be a sanctuary of peace where I could avoid ever seeing her again has become a living nightmare! Everywhere I look, I see her—in my house, in my school, in my class. There’s no escape! She even claims that she’s the older sibling. Like hell she is!
But I won’t lose to her. After all, I’m the older brother in this new family situation. That’s right, we’re family now. No matter how much we may have thought we loved each other before, we saw one another’s true colors and realized we weren’t meant for each other. That’s why even though we may keep up a buddy-buddy sibling act for the sake of our parents, things will never go back to the way they used to be.”
Source: My Stepmom’s Daughter Is My Ex on Twitter, Via: Anime News Network
© Sakaisuke Kamijo / KADOKAWA / Kano Production Committee